How Diabeties Affect Sexual Life In Men ?

How Diabeties Affect Sexual Life In Men ?
Erectile dysfunction is the most common male disorder, especially those with type 2 diabetes. Because it can damage blood vessels and nerves as a result of poor blood sugar management. Because nerves and blood vessels have been damaged, a person cannot be firm enough to have a long-lasting erection, and some men may experience no erection at all. Diabetes has now become the most common chronic disease for both men and women around the world. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes affects just 10% of the population, while type 2 affects 90% of the population. Type 2 diabetes is quite common, with more than 60% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Most men with type 2 diabetes will develop erectile dysfunction by their early 40s, and while it is usually irreversible, it can be managed with certain exercises and medications.Diabetes is a lifelong disease that can be managed with medications, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. Although ED can become permanent, this isn’t usually the case for men who have erectile dysfunction on a regular basis. If you have diabetes, a healthy lifestyle that includes enough sleep, no smoking, and stress reduction may help you overcome erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction medications are safe and well – tolerated and can be used for a long time to help with erectile dysfunction.


How To Control Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetes? To control erectile dysfunction in diabetes, one must first follow a diabetic-friendly diet and strictly avoid sugar and sweets in their diet. They must also regularly check their diabetic levels and keep them under control, and diet must be followed according to the guidance of a certified dietitian based on blood sugar levels.

They must reduce their alcohol usage in their everyday routines. If you have erectile dysfunction, you should limit yourself to no more than two drinks each day. If they consume more than two drinks every day, their blood vessels will be damaged, which could lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

They should quit smoking as soon as possible because it narrows blood vessels and lowers Nitric Oxide levels in the blood. As a result, blood supply to the penis will be reduced, resulting in erectile dysfunction.

They must become more active and include exercise into their everyday routine not just to treat erectile dysfunction, but also to lower blood sugar levels, increase energy, and reduce stress.

Medical Treatment: Doctors strongly advise people suffering from erectile dysfunction to use PDE5 inhibitors. Because some research has shown that PDE5 inhibitors have less long-term negative effects than previously thought. We got Xlove to treat erectile dysfunction for this problem. Xlove is better than existing medicines on the market because it is made with OSF technology for the first time in India. Most studies have shown that OSF technology has very few side effects, onsite drug delivery, fast action, no need for water, no choking, and it is also flavoured.


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